Massey University Alpine Club (MUAC) has a rich and exciting history of taking students on unforgettable adventures since 1929, it's one of the oldest clubs at Massey University

MUAC is an outdoor club run by volunteers for the benefit of its members, both student and non-student. The club has a weekly meeting on Monday afternoons at 4.30pm, and at least one official club trip each weekend.

Club trips may be instructional, social or just a normal outdoor trip. Members also often run their own non-official trips. MUAC administers a climbing wall in the Massey University Recreation Centre and holds club climbing nights every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm. The club owns the only Alpine hut on the Turoa Ski field, which can be used by members for $30/night in the summer and $40/night during the winter. We also have a reasonable selection of climbing and alpine gear available for hire. Want to know more? See our website linked below.

MUAC has a huge amount of potential opportunities for learning new skills, making friends and experiencing the great outdoors. However, at the end of the day, you’ll only get the benefit if you put the effort in.
Please make sure to pay your club fees at the beginning of the semester or when you sign up. Fees are $25 per semester or you may wish to pay $40 upfront for both semesters. You get heaps of benefits including cheaper gear hire, trip and hut fees, and access to climbing nights at the Rec Centre. If paying through internet banking please put "Membership" in Particulars and your surname as a Reference to ensure you get marked down as paid.
May be an image of 2 people, people climbing, ski and people skiing

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